How to Actually Lose Fat And Build Muscle as Skinny Fat

The ultimate guide to lose Skinny fat

Suvadeep Paul
4 min readFeb 7, 2022
Skinny fat
Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Finding a workout plan is can be quite a challenge and when someone is neither fat nor skinny, this task becomes more than a headache. As he/she kind of like in the middle ground — choosing what is right leads to a lack of encouragement.

This type of body is particularly known as “Skinny Fat”. Nowadays this body type has become quite normal due to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of nutritional balance in diets. Genetics also can be the reason for this type of body. One more unknown reason is losing weight too fast. I also made that mistake by dropping 20kg weight in a year and ended up being Skinny fat.

The common indication of a Skinny fat body is having more fat and less muscle in the body. This leads to looking fat shirtless and skinny when the shirt is put on.

What training plan to choose then?

A skinny fat body is built with more fat, less muscle, and for that this type of body has muscles to gain and fat to lose. This sort of approach can be smoothly done by applying “Main Gaining” and patience.

How to use Main-gaining (nutrition)

The Main-gaining is key to losing fat while building muscle. But in the case of skinny fat, we use it a bit differently. There will be a small deficit like 100–200 calories with progressive overload in resistance training either in a gym or at home. Although the process will be slow, it will be totally worth it.

While on a small deficit protein intake has to be much higher than usual as the macro-nutrient — protein is the main building block of muscle. Also, keep the fat intake a little low than normal. Do not avoid fat as it is essential for the body to help in the absorption of vitamins.

Here, the caloric deficit will cut the fat from the body and high protein intake with resistance training will help in muscle gain.

Guide to training

What kind of training to choose is also can be very decisive in this process. For a beginner or even intermediate, the idea of a proper training program can be fuzzy. So, here are a few guides from my side as I overcame that body.

Training split

As a natural lifter training the body 2x-3x a week is optimal. For that, any split can be chosen with respect to the lifestyle of an individual. A few famous splits are Push-Pull-Legs(6x), Upper-Lower(4x), Full body(3x), etc.

Type of movements

Whether choose compound lifts, isolation movements, or do both? — In my opinion, focusing more on compounds will be more good, but do both. And if you train at home then calisthenics is probably the only answer.


Train hard! go harder than last time. Every 2–3weeks try to increase the resistance by 1–2kilos. For home(bodyweight exercises) — raise the repetition.

Patience is key

Nothing on this earth can be achieved without patience so as Skinny fat. As said in the beginning this process will be slow, and for that patience is important. Comparing your results with others will not be worth it, as others' situations can be completely different.

That is all for this blog.

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